I Got It!
It's a Deal!
N. Lieberman 16/09/2009 10:00The most ancient agreement in the world is one that was first carried out over 3,200 years ago and is still being conducted in our times; it is the agreement between two sons of Jacob – Issachar and Zebulon.
‘Yahrzeit’ – its source in the Torah
N. Lieberman 15/09/2009 10:00Throughout the ages we have had the custom of commemorating the anniversary of a Tzaddik’s death. What is the singular Yahrzeit mentioned in the Torah?
An Esrog from the Garden of Eden
N. Lieberman 13/09/2009 10:00The most accepted opinion among Chazal as to the identity of the Tree of Knowledge that stood in the Garden of Eden is that it was an esrog tree, in contrast to the widespread myth, that originates in christian belief, that the tree was one that grew apples.
N. Lieberman 10/09/2009 10:00The Auto-de-Fe's took place in every country with a Christian foot-hold.
Ma'asiyahu the Policeman
N. Lieberman 09/09/2009 10:00Ma'asiyahu is also a prison in Israel for white collar convicts
The Doctor, the Promise, and the Hospital
N. Lieberman 08/09/2009 10:00 -
What is ‘Pashkevillen’ in Italian?
N. Lieberman 07/09/2009 10:00 -
Left Handed
N. Lieberman 06/09/2009 10:00The percent of left-handed persons in the world is much lower than their right-handed counterparts.
A Stone of the Western Wall – the Largest in the World
03/09/2009 10:00They don't make stones today the size they used to!
On Your Walls
N. Lieberman 02/09/2009 10:00Persecution through familiar hands