I Got It!
An Exceptional Esrog
N. Lieberman 02/10/2009 10:00The biggest ever esrog in the world was grown in Netanya in Eretz Yisrael – it weighed over four kilograms
Jewish Bonds in Greek
N. Lieberman 01/10/2009 10:00Prusbul is an abbreviated form of the Greek word Prusbuliti which is composed of three words Prus which means amendment, Buli which means rich people and Buti which means poor people.
Breakfast and the Olympics
N. Lieberman 30/09/2009 10:00Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day
The International Daf HaYomi Movement
N. Lieberman 29/09/2009 10:00 -
Wear It Out – and After, Renew
N. Lieberman 27/09/2009 10:00 -
'Musta'arvim' and 'Mista'arvim'
N. Lieberman 24/09/2009 10:00Who are the real 'Musta'arvim'?
Yarchei Kallah
N. Lieberman 23/09/2009 10:00 -
In Pairs
N. Lieberman 22/09/2009 11:56Two sentences of five words, each made up of only two letters, are mentioned in the Bible.
A jumbled pickle of errors
N. Lieberman 21/09/2009 10:00The word used in Ivrit to denote ‘jelly or ‘confiture’ is ‘ribah’, the use of which originates with ben Yehuda the heretic. The source he cites for its usage is in fact completely erroneous, revealing his stupidity. A further error to add to his litany of mistakes is the myth as to the source of his original error, which is different from that which is widely accepted.
The World’s Biggest Yeshiva
N. Lieberman 17/09/2009 10:00Do you know how many talmidim learn in the biggest yeshiva in the world, what its name is, and where it is located?