I Got It!
Break Your Neck and Leg for Good Luck?
N. Lieberman 22/10/2009 09:00Why have so many Jewish sayings been incorporated into the German Language?
A large Tallis
N. Lieberman 21/10/2009 09:00All of the boys fit under this Tallis
But Are They Really Peace Makers?
N. Lieberman 20/10/2009 09:00An award for peace or an accolade to warmongers?
The Olive Leaf – the Dove Carrying Peace in her Mouth
N. Lieberman 19/10/2009 09:00The origin of the ‘dove and olive leaf’ as a symbol of peace
Rav and ‘Aluf’
N. Lieberman 18/10/2009 09:00The biblical understanding of the word 'Aluf' differs from the usage today.
Metushelach, Adam and the Tree
N. Lieberman 15/10/2009 09:00The Metushelach tree was named after the longest living man.
At Three Years – 'Chalake'
N. Lieberman 14/10/2009 09:00There are three main places that people do the 'Chalake'- by the grave of Shimon Hatzadik, Shmuel Hanavi and by Rashbi in Meron.
Letters Standing in the Air
N. Lieberman 13/10/2009 09:00The script used was one of the creations of twilight on the first Friday in history.
Sadducee – style Cuisine: ‘Cholent’ and ‘Borscht’
N. Leiberman 12/10/2009 09:35A traditional Shabbos delicacy; a spicy dish for Pesach: two vital components in the fierce war against the heretic Kariites and Sadducees of centuries ago
Danger in the Schools
N. Lieberman 11/10/2009 12:03When was the traditional ‘Cheder’ (boys' school) termed by the religious public: ‘A Cheder Mesukan’; and how did this expression evolve?