שבת י"ב בניסן תשפ"ד 20/04/2024
  • The Mission Continues

    As in the past so it remains today - we were and still are under the selfsame commitment to adhere to the directions of the Gedolei Yisrael, who stand guard against breaches of purity threatening our camp. When we were required to ask – we asked. When we were instructed to depart – we left. The moment we are summoned back to raise the flag, every other consideration is pushed to the side and we answer: We are ready!


בראי היום

  • Harav Yisrael Friedman zy”a, the Rebbe of Husyatin

    מוטי, ויקיפדיה העברית

    The ancestral chain of Harav Yisrael Friedman, the founder of the Husyatin chassidic court, originates with the holy Baal Shem Tov. The Husyatin chassidus has its roots in Galicia and eventually came to Tel Aviv, during the turbulent years between the two World Wars.



  • Maccabi'im Gravesite

    In honour of Chanukah, we will discuss a fascinating, ongoing investigation attempting to establish the place of burial of Mattisyahu Kohen Gadol and his family.


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In News

Baruch Dayan HaEmet: The Gaon and Mekubal, Rabbi Moshe Luria, ztz"l

The Slonim community deeply mourns the sudden passing of Rabbi Luria, ztz"l. His levaya was scheduled to pass the Slonim beis midrash on Rechov Salant, and then continue to Har HaZeitim.

Yochanan Weisberg 14/12/2009 13:05
The Slonim chassidim of Jerusalem were shocked to here the sad news this morning, of the sudden death of one of the most special and distinguished members of the community – the gaon, chassid, and Mekubal, Rabbi Moshe Luria, ztz"l.

Rabbi Luria was great in Torah and chassidus, both revealed and hidden, and was well known in Jerusalem. He had the merit to learn and teach the hidden Torah with the holy Admorim of Slonim and Toldot Aharon, shlita, and it is said that he secretly learned with the holy Admor of Belz, shlita.

The great Mekubal was born in Tiberias in the year 1936, to Rabbi Mordechai Yechiel, ztz"l, a devoted Slonim chassid.  He was very close to his teacher and rabbi, the Admor Baal HaNetivot Shalom, ztz"l, and the Admor's son, the present Admor of Slonim, shlita.

After his marriage, Rabbi Luria served for several years as the head of "Yeshivat l'Plagot Reuven" on Rechov David Yelin in Jerusalem, where the top scholars of Jerusalem had the privilege to study Torah. Rabbi Luria was known as a great talmid chacham in the niglah and nistar, and wrote many books. He served as the rosh yeshiva of the Kabbalistic yeshiva, "Sha'ar HaShamayim", where he led tikunim and prayer vigils for the yeshua of the Jewish nation.

This morning, he arrived at the Kotel Hama'aravi for the Shacharis tefillah, where he was accustomed to praying Vatikin. Upon arriving at the Kotel, Rabbi Luria suddenly collapsed and lost consciousness.  Hatzolah paramedics attempted to resuscitate him, but the gates of Heaven were sealed. He returned his soul to his Creator, leaving behind students, sons, and grandsons – all holy and pure followers of the Torah.

The levaya set out from Yeshivat Sha'ar HaShamayim on Rechov Rashi, and continued to Yeshivat Slonim on Rechov Salant. From there, the levaya proceeded to Har HaZeitim.