שבת י"ב בניסן תשפ"ד 20/04/2024
  • The Mission Continues

    As in the past so it remains today - we were and still are under the selfsame commitment to adhere to the directions of the Gedolei Yisrael, who stand guard against breaches of purity threatening our camp. When we were required to ask – we asked. When we were instructed to depart – we left. The moment we are summoned back to raise the flag, every other consideration is pushed to the side and we answer: We are ready!


בראי היום

  • Harav Yisrael Friedman zy”a, the Rebbe of Husyatin

    מוטי, ויקיפדיה העברית

    The ancestral chain of Harav Yisrael Friedman, the founder of the Husyatin chassidic court, originates with the holy Baal Shem Tov. The Husyatin chassidus has its roots in Galicia and eventually came to Tel Aviv, during the turbulent years between the two World Wars.



  • Maccabi'im Gravesite

    In honour of Chanukah, we will discuss a fascinating, ongoing investigation attempting to establish the place of burial of Mattisyahu Kohen Gadol and his family.


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Belzer Chassidic Choir in Last Rehearsals

'Mamlechet' presents: A video clip of rehearsals of the Belz Chassidic Choir in preparation for Chanukah Candle Lighting.

Yochanan Weisberg 09/12/2009 18:36
The Chassidic community is currently finishing the last preparations for the arrival of many chassidim who come every evening to watch the Chanukah candles lightings by the Rebbes shlita.
Etrog received a clip of the Belzer Chassidic Choir in last rehearsals as they perform a tune of Maoz Tzur, the wonderful work of composer Rabbi Eliezer Kalish of Ashdod, conducted by Rabbi Alter Meir Kalish. 

The video was filmed by "Mamlechet" and presented here with their generosity. To view, click here the link to our Hebrew site and play the video.