יום שלישי כ"ב בניסן תשפ"ד 30/04/2024
  • The Mission Continues

    As in the past so it remains today - we were and still are under the selfsame commitment to adhere to the directions of the Gedolei Yisrael, who stand guard against breaches of purity threatening our camp. When we were required to ask – we asked. When we were instructed to depart – we left. The moment we are summoned back to raise the flag, every other consideration is pushed to the side and we answer: We are ready!


בראי היום

מקום ואתר

הצטרף לרשימת תפוצה

נא הכנס מייל תקני
הצטרפותכם לרשימת התפוצה – לכבוד היא לנו, בקרוב יחד עם השקתה של מערכת העדכונים והמידע תעודכנו יחד עם עשרות אלפי המצטרפים שנרשמו כבר.
בברכה מערכת 'עולם התורה'

In News

Rabbi Yosef Meir Altman shlita Delivered Chizuk Shiur in the Belzer Beis Medrash in Boro Park

Dozens of Belzer Chassidim from Boro Park thronged to the Beis Medrash to hear the derasha

Yochanan Weisberg 24/11/2009 21:53

During the visit of Rabbi Yosef Meir Altman shlita, Gaavad of Chug Chasam Sofer – Bnei Brak, in America last week, he arrived at the Belzer Beis Medrash on 43rd Street in Boro Park to deliver a shiur to the kehillah members. Rabbi Altman was in the States in order to raise funds for his institutions in Bnei Brak.

Dozens of Belzer Chassidim and local residents filled the Beis Medrash to capacity in order to participate in the shiur.
Rabbi Altman called upon the participants to use only kosher internet and newspapers, among other issues.

Rabbi Altman furthermore condemned those who go on vacation in unsupervised, inappropriate locations. He stressed that not only the food must be kosher, but the whole atmosphere.

The shiur was organized by 'Yagdil Torah', which organizes weekly lectures featuring guest speakers in the Belzer Beis Medrash.
