Today in History
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5736 / 1976
The passing of Rabbi Avraham Engelhard, Head of the Rabbinical Court of Dobra and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Bobov in Bat Yam. -
5560 / 1800
The passing of the Chassidic Master Rabbi Mordechai of Neshchiz. -
5472 / 1712
The passing of Rabbi Eliyahu Shapira of Prague, author of 'Eliyahu Rabbah' and 'Eliyahu Zutah'. -
5715 / 1955
The yarzheit of Rabbi Yechiel Michel Tikotzinski, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Eitz Chaim and author of the books ' Gesher Hachaim','Bein Hashmashos' and other writings who also formulated and published the famous wall calendar containing all Jewish ritual times, laws and customs of each day of the year. -
Sefirat HaOmer
On this day, the dispute between the Perushim and the Tzedukim of when to commence the Counting of the Omer was determined to be the second day of Passover and not according to the Tzedukim who commence on the first Sunday after the holiday thus a Yom tov day was acclaimed in Megilas Taanis in honor of the decision.