The Admor Rebbe Klonimus Kalmish Shapira of Piaszene
22/10/2009 09:00The Admor Rebbe Klonimus Kalmish Shapira of Piaszene, Hy’d
One of the greatest Chassidic leaders whose light shone over Polish Jewry, even in its darkest moments -
Rabbi Yehudah the Chasid
Motty Meringer 21/10/2009 09:00Rabbi Yehudah Segal who was famously known as Rabbi Yehudah the Chasid (the pious) led the first Aliyah (immigration, ascending to Eretz-Yisroel) of Ashkenazic Jews (Jews who originate from Central or Eastern Europe) from after the destruction of the Second Temple. Rabbi Yehuda’s entourage included over one thousand Jews.
Jewish Settlement in Yerushalayim
20/10/2009 09:00The tale of Jewish settlement in Yerushalayim; a history beginning from the times of Dovid haMelech and spanning up until the present day. During almost all of the intervening years there was a constant Jewish presence in the holy city, a presence more constant than in any other centre of Jewish residence.
The First Temple
Motty Meringer 19/10/2009 11:53The First Temple was built on Mount Moriah by King Solomon in the year 2935. It stood for four hundred and ten years until it was destroyed on the 9th of the month of Av in the year 3345 by king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.
The Baalei HaTosefos
Motty Meringer 18/10/2009 11:20An inseparable part of learning the Babylonian Talmud is the study of the baalei HaTosefos. Several hundred rabbonim number among the baalei HaTosefos, who were engaged in the teaching and spreading of Torah from their yeshivos throughout Europe, over a period of more than two hundred years.
The Admor Rabi Osher zy”a of Stolin (the first)
Motty Meringer 15/10/2009 12:22The Admor Rabi Osher zy”a of Stolin was the son of the founder of the Karliner chassidic dynasty which originated with Rabi Aharon HaGadol zy”a of Karlin. He was, however, the third Rebbe in the dynasty, since the second was Rabi Shlomo Karliner zy”a, the most prominent talmid of Rabi Aharon HaGadol, who also raised Rabi Osher from his early childhood.
Rabi Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev ztz”l
David Sofer 14/10/2009 10:26Rabi Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev was one of the greatest tzaddikim and rebbes in Poland. He was also known as the ‘Defender of Yisrael’ due to his unrelenting efforts in judging his fellow Jews favourably.
Rabi Yaakov Yosef Katz ztz”l of Polnoa – the baal ‘HaToldos’
Motti Meringer 13/10/2009 13:29Rabi Yaakov Yosef Katz ztz”l of Polnoa was one of the great chassidishe leaders and one of the founders of chassidus. In his sefer ‘Toldos Yaakov Yosef’ he brings almost three hundred sayings from the holy Baal Shem Tov – he is the main source we have for the Torah of the Baal Shem Tov.
The Jews of Buchara
Motti Meringer 03/10/2009 21:25One of the glorious Jewish communities of the diaspora was that of Buchara – and many Jews even today continue to live in the Caucasus region, although most have ascended to Eretz Yisrael or have immigrated to the United States, where they have established thriving communities which perpetuate the customs of their ancestors.
The Kozhnitzer Maggid
Barak Sarig 02/10/2009 09:00Just as Lublin rose to fame as a result of its connection with the ‘Chozeh’, so too did the little town of Kozhnitz become a centre of kedushah through its association with the Maggid – and from there, his Torah spread to all parts of Poland. The Maggid of Kozhnitz is considered to be the father of Polish chassidus, along with his close friend and contemporary, the Chozeh of Lublin.